I began my training extensively with John F. Barnes in 2009. I was recently introduced to applying MFR to horses in April 2016. I absolutely fell in love with horses and applying the gentle MFR principles and techniques to help horses release pain, tightness, old wounds, and restricted movement patterns. I trained with Tamara Thomas, taking Equine 1 twice and Equine 2 in 2016. I have treated elephants and sloth bears in Agra India at Wildlife sanctuaries, working closely with the Veterinary team to assist in releasing old wounds.
Fascia is a three dimensional web that surrounds every bone, muscle, nerve, organ, and vessel down to the cellular level from head to hoof. It is comprised of elastin, collagen and a fluid ground substance. Restrictions can develop in fascia from trauma, poor posture and repetitive training. These restrictions can create pain, swelling, misalignments, poor muscular biomechanics, decreased range of motion, decreased strength and lameness. Fascia looses it’s pliability, collagen becomes dense and fibrous and the ground substance can solidify. Standard tests will not show a fascial restriction.
Myofascial Release is a hands on, whole body manual therapy technique addressing the fascial system. MFR is used to elongate the fascial tissue with a 90-120 second gentle pressure into the restriction or tissue barrier. After releasing through several barriers the tissue will become soft and pliable. The pressure will be taken off pain sensitive areas and motion restored.
Myofascial Release differs from massage and chiropractic manipulation. Myofascial release applies sustained pressure into the fascial system and has effects on the elastin, collagen and ground substance. Soft tissue restrictions that alter bony alignment are addressed and osseous releases are performed slowly without manipulation.
I am a licensed massage therapist, and life time animal lover and outdoorsman. If you are seeking help for your horse through manual hands on therapy, please feel to contact me at wholebodymfr@gmail.com.