What is Myofascial Release?

  • Hands on Manual Therapy
  • Whole Body Approach
  • Gentle compression, stretching, and holding of fascial connective tissue to encourage release of restricted, tight and tense tissues.
  • Myofascial release is a healing therapy.  By releasing the fascial restrictions, the body begins to feel less pain, greater flexibility and increased function.
  • is profoundly relaxing, and deepening

What are the benefits of Myofascial Release?

  • decreased pain
  • increased flexibility and strength
  • increased postural alignment
  • increased energy
  • increased body awareness
  • feeling more balanced physically, mentally and emotionally
  • results are permanent, not temporary like other forms of therapy

What does Myofascial Release treat?

Low and Upper back pain Chronic pain
Frozen Shoulder/Shoulder pain/Limited ROM Joint pain/Wrist, Elbow, Knee  Ankle pain
Stiff neck/Neck pain Migraines/headaches
Anxiety TMJ dysfunction
Carpal Tunnel Pelvic pain and dysfunction
Old Wounds Chronic fatigue
Pre/Post Surgical issues Plantar fasciitis

What is Fascia?

  • is tough connective tissue with a tensile strength of 2000 lb’s per square inch (when restricted, causes intense pressure on nerves, muscles, and organs – feels like you are wearing a straight jacket!)
  • an interconnected sheath of tissue that runs throughout the body
  • surrounds organs, nerves, and blood vessels
  • infuses muscle down to the cellular level
  • restrictions cannot be seen on X-ray, CT scan, or MRI – often goes undiagnosed for years

What causes pain and dysfunction?

Old wounds, be it physical or emotional, chronic poor posture, or inflammation creates tension in the fascia causing it to stiffen locally. But, because it is essentially an interconnected web, this then pulls into other areas much like when you pull the threads on a sweater causing all the other threads to reorganize along the lines of tension. This can create bizarre symptoms such as pain, tingling or burning some distance from the originally affected area as the strong fascia binds down on pain sensitive structures like nerves and blood vessels. The body loses it’s flexibility and orientation in space (balance) becomes compromised so it needs more energy just to stay upright and function. As this process continues the immune system may become compromised, stress may not be as easily managed, and chronic pain can set in.

What to expect from the initial session?

Initial treatment sessions include a review of pertinent medical history, visual assessment of posture and movement patterns, and tactile (touch) assessment and treatment of superficial and deep soft tissues.

We use the skin as a lever into the connective tissue.  Therefore, evaluation and treatment work is ideal if we can place my hands on your skin.  Usually, men wear boxer briefs or bring a pair of loose fitting shorts.  For women, either a bikini top, tank top or sports bra and loose fitting shorts is ideal.   After evaluation, you always have the option to be under a sheet or blanket.

Please do not use any lotions or oils on the day of your appointment. Your skin needs to be clean and dry for this technique.

We will do a very thorough hands-on evaluation of your posture and soft tissue, both while you’re standing and also once you are lying on the table. We will continue with MFR treatment for the remaining scheduled time. We will occasionally ask for feedback from you during treatment about connected areas felt during treatment.

Do you have a cancellation policy?

Yes, I very much appreciated 48 hours notice. Otherwise, you will be charged for the session,  We allot a specific time for you and that time is valuable to us and each individual who needs this work. We respect your time and therefore expect the same in return. Thank you for your understanding.